
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Joaquin” ,找到相关结果约437条。
Comparison on Sufficient Conditions for the Stability of Hill Equation: An Arnold’s Tongues Approach  [PDF]
Carlos A. Franco, Joaquin Collado
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/am.2017.810109
It is known that the solutions of a second order linear differential equation with periodic coefficients are almost always analytically impossible to obtain and in order to study its properties we often require a computational approach. In this paper we compare graphically, using the Arnold Tongues, some sufficient criteria for the stability of periodic differential equations. We also present a brief explanation on how the authors, of each criterion, obtained them. And a comparison between four sufficient stability criteria and the stability zones found by perturbation methods is presented.
Finite Dimensional Approximation of the Monodromy Operator of a Periodic Delay Differential Equation with Piecewise Constant Orthonormal Functions  [PDF]
Eli A. Vazquez, Joaquin Collado
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/am.2018.911086
Using piecewise constant orthonormal functions, an approximation of the monodromy operator of a Linear Periodic Delay Differential Equation (PDDE) is obtained by approximating the integral equation corresponding to the PDDE as a linear operator over the space of initial conditions. This approximation allows us to consider the state space as finite dimensional resulting in a finite matrix approximation whose spectrum converges to the spectrum of the monodromy operator.
En torno a la ‘Historia de la locura’; la polémica Foucault - Derrida
Joaquin Fortanet
Revista Observaciones Filosóficas , 2008,
Abstract: This text tries to analyze the controversy between Foucault and Derrida about the publication of Madness and Civilization in 1961. In this controversy we find crucial questions in order to understand concepts such as event, text or the division between reason and madness. Taking a distant perspective of their readings, both Foucault and Derrida propose different routes which start from the same new theoretical impulse called post-structuralism but, in the end, both authors obtain a radically different endings as for ontological matters.
Vibrational Stabilization by Reshaping Arnold Tongues: A Numerical Approach  [PDF]
Joaquin Collado, Hildeberto Jardón-Kojakhmetov
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/am.2016.716163
Abstract: This paper presents two contributions to the stability analysis of periodic systems modeled by a Hill equation: The first is a new method for the computation of the Arnold Tongues associated to a given Hill equation which is based on the discretization of the latter. Using the proposed method, a vibrational stabilization is performed by a change in the periodic function which guarantees stability, given that the original equation has unbounded solutions. The results are illustrated by some examples.
Nonlinear preferential rewiring in fixed-size networks as a diffusion process
Samuel Johnson,Joaquin J. Torres,Joaquin Marro
Physics , 2009, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.79.050104
Abstract: We present an evolving network model in which the total numbers of nodes and edges are conserved, but in which edges are continuously rewired according to nonlinear preferential detachment and reattachment. Assuming power-law kernels with exponents alpha and beta, the stationary states the degree distributions evolve towards exhibit a second order phase transition - from relatively homogeneous to highly heterogeneous (with the emergence of starlike structures) at alpha = beta. Temporal evolution of the distribution in this critical regime is shown to follow a nonlinear diffusion equation, arriving at either pure or mixed power-laws, of exponents -alpha and 1-alpha.
Wetting of by Molten Aluminum: The Influence of Additions
Joaquin Aguilar-Santillan
Journal of Nanomaterials , 2008, DOI: 10.1155/2008/629185
Abstract: The effects of BaSO4 additions on the wetting of alumina by molten aluminum were studied by the sessile drop technique. To study the effect of BaSO4 decomposition (1100-1150°C), the additions were treated at two temperatures 700°C (973 K) and 1450°C (1723 K), respectively. BaSO4 additions at low and high temperatures did not improve the nonwetting character of these compositions. However, at higher firing temperature, the formation of BA6(BaO?6Al2O3) has a nonwetting trend with increasing its content. To address the BA6 specifically a pure BaO?6Al2O3 was produced and tested. It was more nonwetting than the pure alumina. After the analysis of the contact angles for the BaSO4 and the BA6(BaO?6Al2O3), it was concluded that these additions to alumina do not inhibit wetting by molten aluminum. In fact, at the addition levels common for refractories, the wetting tendency of molten aluminum is enhanced. Alternative explanations for the effectiveness of BaSO4 additions to alumina refractories are discussed.
Assessing the Biological Significance of Gene Expression Signatures and Co-Expression Modules by Studying Their Network Properties
Pablo Minguez,Joaquin Dopazo
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017474
Abstract: Microarray experiments have been extensively used to define signatures, which are sets of genes that can be considered markers of experimental conditions (typically diseases). Paradoxically, in spite of the apparent functional role that might be attributed to such gene sets, signatures do not seem to be reproducible across experiments. Given the close relationship between function and protein interaction, network properties can be used to study to what extent signatures are composed of genes whose resulting proteins show a considerable level of interaction (and consequently a putative common functional role).
Printed Antenna on Flexible Low-Cost Pet Substrate for UHF Applications
Diego Betancourt;Joaquin Castan
PIER C , 2013, DOI: 10.2528/PIERC13012507
Abstract: This paper introduces a flexible antenna, printed on a low-cost Polyethylene Terephtalate (PET) substrate for UHF applications. The RF characteristics of the PET substrate are examined using a microstrip resonator to characterize the substrate's relative permittivity and the loss tangent at UHF band. The PET substrate is used to print an antenna designed to work in the 868 ISM-Band. The printing process described is carried out using a semi-industrial roll-to-roll (R2R) machine with mass production capability. The fabricated dipole antenna was mounted on cylindrical objects made from several materials such as paper and glass, and its RF characteristics were measured and discussed.
Format blurring and attribute saliency: Evidence in Chile
Constanza Bianchi,Joaquin Men
Academia : Revista Latinoamericana de Administración , 2008,
Abstract: Una tendencia importante en la industria minorista Chilena ha sido el aumento en format blurring (sobreposición de formatos). Los consumidores pueden encontrar alimentos, vestuario y artículos electrónicos en distintos formatos como supermercados, tiendas por departamento, farmacias, y tiendas de mejoramiento del hogar. La literatura académica sugiere que los consumidores asocian expectativas específicas a un formato minorista, por tanto es importante entender cuales son los atributos más relevantes para los consumidores cuando compran en los distintos formatos minoristas. Esta investigación explora si existe variación en los atributos relevantes para consumidores al comprar en distintos formatos minoristas. Inicialmente, veinte entrevistas a consumidores identificaron doce atributos relevantes al comprar en formatos minoristas. Adicionalmente, los resultados de la encuesta mostraron que la relevancia de siete atributos varió significativamente para los cuatro distintos formatos minoristas.
La delimitación de lenguas: Cuestión lingüística o idiomática?
José Joaquin Montes
Alfa : Revista de Linguística , 2001,
Abstract: Se discute el problema de la delimitacion de los idiomas (lenguas, dialectos, hablas) y los critérios para tal delimitacion: internos, linguistico-sistémicos o externos, sociopolíticos o idiomáticos. Se sostiene que son estos últimos los únicos que permitem una delimitacion adecuada. Parafundamentar esta posición se exponen los conceptos de Convención como base de la lengua (= Langue), Norma como base de la idiomática (estúdio de las formas históricas dei hablar), Subordinación, Conciencia Idiomática, Ideal de Lengua, Autonomia Normativa y Plenifuncionalidad.

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